About Us
Your Dentists
Dr. Brigitte Berghammer
Study of dentistry at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
Approbation as dentist in 1985
Dental residency in Gilching 1986-1987
Obtainment of doctoral degree "Dr. med. dent." in 1989
Self-employed in her own practice in Starnberg since 1988

Dr. Herbert Berghammer
Study of dentistry at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
Approbation as dentist in 1985
Dental residency in Munich 1986-1987
Obtainment of doctoral degree "Dr. med. dent." in 1988
Self-employed in his own practice in Starnberg since 1988
Member of DGOI - German society of oral implantology

Dr. Katrin Berghammer
Study of dentistry at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
Approbation as dentist in 2016
Dental residency in Fürstenfeldbruck 2017 – 2018
Employed in dental practice Dr. Berghammer since 2018
Obtainment of doctoral degree "Dr. med. dent." in 2021
Obtainment of a degree of further medical training in the specialist area of craniomandibular dysfunktion (CMD Curriculum, Prof. Bumann) in 2021
Employed in orthodontic specialist practices in the greater area of Munich from 2021 - 2024 and obtainment of the title "Master of Science Orthodontics“ from Donauuniversität Krems in 2024